This is to be filled out each night at closing. You will need the “Grand Sales”, “Menu Item” and “Entertainer by Log In” reports to complete this form. They are due no later than 8am every morning.

This form is used to request change. Please fill this out by midnight of your location’s assigned day of the week.

This form is to be completed on the 1st of each month by the opening manger. It can be completed using your mobile device and you are encouraged to do so. If you have any new things to report to maintenance, please make sure you fill out a maintenance request.

This form is to be completed by managers only. It is to be used to request any graphic, both print and digital, for advertising and marketing. Use this form to request flyers and posters for upcoming features, all daily and weekly promotions, and logo needs. Do not use any outside graphic artist. If you do, they will not be paid. Do not order anything other than flyers and posters without express permission from your supervisor.

Fill this out whenever an incident takes place in the club or on the club’s property that involves an employee, an entertainer (independent contractor}, and/or a guest.

This is for employee address changes, payroll status changes, and payroll adjustments. Poplar Bluff and Starkville will also use this form to complete disciplinary forms and termination paperwork.

All locations are to fill out this form whenever there is ANY type of issue with the building. This form is to be filled out prior to contacting Stephanie or Turner.

The Fillable W-9 should be completed by any club that hires a new 1099 or if a new vendor is being established. The locations utilizing Clubtrax will continue to use Clubtrax for house entertainers and use this for new vendors any other 1099 employees.